Mindfulness for Corp- Logo

Corporate training

A unique technique for the consciousness development for breakthrough results in your business, revitalizing your organization and building a new corporate culture


Allows the company to reach a new level of development and become a leader in its niche


More than 1000 seminars and trainings, more than ten years of experience 


The training program is being created individually, based on your request

Common difficulties in the team

– burn out, moral exhaustion;

– irritability, aggression;

– stress;

– depression or pessimism;

– rivalry, conflicts, indifference, lack of mutual support;

– unwillingness to unite in critical situations;

– lack of interest in work and creativity;

– unwillingness to grow and develop;

– lack of discipline.

All this can be fixed by teaching your employees to dive into the deep present moment state through our practices.

Your result – the social climate in the team improves at the fundamental level and the efficiency of employees increases, which directly affects the performance of your business.

10 years of experience

We taught this practice in 50 countries

30 000 people

Succesfully use the attention management techniques

The skill of future

Necessary qualities of a realized person

What results you will get

New level of efficiency and creativity

Increasing trust in the team

A new level of intuition and emotional intelligence

Increasing business performance

Acquired stress management skills

Basic mindfulness and stress management techniques

Increasing the level of responsibility

New quality of life for employees

Increasing the overall level of awareness

Ваш тренер

Валентина Пулло — психолог, бизнес-тренер. Опытный преподаватель практики глубокого настоящего момента, практик осознанности и внимательности, спикер в Сколково на Конференции об Экосистеме Человека, Бизнесе и Осознанности.

Обучает практике глубокого настоящего момента с 2012 года. Под её руководством практикам осознанности обучились несколько десятков тысяч человек. Проводила обучение в Metro Cash & Carry, Газпроме, Альфа-банке и других компаниях в девяти странах мира.

За время преподавания провела:

— более 50 ретритов;
— более 1000 семинаров;
— более 100 онлайн-интенсивов.

What happens during the training

There are more than 3,000 scientific studies on the impact of mindfulness exercises on the psychophysiological state of a person. It has been proven that as a result of increased awareness:

The beta-wave activity of the main parts of the limbic system of the brain decreases after 10 minutes of practice

Thus, the flow of random thoughts weakens. The mind calms down. Your brain rests from chaotic work, efficiency and ability to concentrate are noticeably increases.

The creativity improves

Out of the box thinking improves. Fresh ideas come.

The density and the amount of gray matter in the cerebral cortex increases

The structure of the brain is literally being rebuilt. The aging process slows down.

The levels of trust, openness, empathy increases

The practice of the deep present moment allows you to acquire the skill of positive thinking and brings your relationship with people to a new level.

According to a survey by Harvard University, 47% of the time during the day people's attention is not directed to what they are doing at the moment. According to the subjective assessment of the respondents, the unconscious life makes them unhappy.

Our formats

Learning stages



Intensive practical seminar from 1 to 3 days (several hours in the office or in different location with full immersion into practice)


The control of result

1 to 4 weeks of regular meetings for joint practice and analysis of all the nuances


Consolidation of the result

Long-term individual management of your team to maximize the implementation of mindfulness skills and a deep present moment in the lives of employees and take the business to a new level

Sign up for a free introductory live or online meeting to clarify all the details and discuss the conditions.

You will get acquainted with the trainer, ask all your questions.

It is also important for us to learn as much as possible about your company in order to create an individual training program based on your needs.

Leave a request for a call and get a free consultation

The cost of training is discussed individually.


Igor Potapov, the owner of "MERA" company

For me personally the most important benefits from the practices are:

Inner peace and wider perception. This gives the ability to soberly assess the situation, not being led by fears and doing everything without worry and unnecessary bustle. The efficiency greatly increases. Unnecessary stuff is eliminated and you get more of a free time.

For the same reason, it is easier to attune to people in the team, partners, see their programs, help them in the process, convey the idea of what we are doing this for, and it is easier / faster to turn them to giving and help each other and clients. Which enhances the result in everything. There is more life and energy inside the projects.

I found trust for life. Everything goes with ease, life adjusts itself, throws up favorable situations and provides support. New great business offers are coming, our project results are improving. 

In general, all activities go with pleasure, relaxation and deep vision of the essence.

Arohovich Denis, A head of "A-club", Alfa Bank

We learned about this meditation course from the recommendation of a client.

I was interested in this topic, since I am an adherent of developing practices. I wanted to learn how to be in the present moment, achieve inner harmony, get rid of various worries, think less about tomorrow.

During the course which lasted one and a half week, I was partially able to achieve these goals. I noticed changes during the practices (clarity of thoughts, inner peace). There were also positive changes during conflict situations. it was easier for me to react more calmly and quickly cope with emotions.

it was an interesting experience for our team. I will certainly continue to study this topic.


Александр Фридман, учредитель и руководитель ООО «Stelavis»

Прежде всего очень поправилось здоровье. Начинал практиковать с очень большими, серьёзными проблемами с суставами: еле ходил, не мог плавать, не говоря о чём-то бОльшем. У меня были артрозы 2-й степени по всему телу, которые меня мучали болевыми моментами. И психически я был очень неуравновешен. Сейчас всё это отошло на задний план, физика подтянулась.

Я стал спокойней, раздражение на все случаи в жизни почти прошло, меня сегодня тяжело задеть. То есть это возможно, но даже на те ситуации, которые меня задевают, я уже совсем по-другому реагирую. Теперь я наблюдаю за тем, что происходит, а не сливаюсь с этим нервным происходящим. Даже научился благодарить за этот новый опыт.

Благодарственные письма


Nick Losenko – (404)476-0457 (Phone, WhatsApp)